Key IC
- Control all accounts through one interface
- Control pricing for each account individually
- Run reports over all your accounts

Key IC Automated Billing & Collection Services Update
On May 1, 2002, Key IC launched the new, automated billing and collections
services to enable Agents to better manage their Merchants with
past due balances
Automated invoicing
On the first business day of each month, Key IC will generate an
email notification informing the Merchant that their new invoice
has been prepared. Merchants may view new invoices at
Merchants must login to their account, and go to Main Menu, Reports,
Invoices, My Invoices. To view their Merchant accounts, Agents must
login to their account, and go to Main Menu, Agent Tools, Invoices,
Browse Invoices.
Automated collections
On the first business day following the invoice notification each
month, Key IC will attempt to collect payment from Merchants using
provided merchant payment information Key IC will process collection
via ACH and or credit card. If ACH fails, Key IC will automatically
process via credit card. If credit card payment fails, Key IC will
automatically place the account status to Credithold and change
the status marked on the invoice to ACH/CC Failed.
Automated Credithold notification
Agents will receive an email notification for each merchant placed
on Credithold. Upon login attempt, Merchants on Credithold will
receive an urgent message with instructions to contact their Agent.
While on Credithold, merchant transactions will continue to be processed,
but the Merchant cannot access the Key IC system.
Automated Commission Report
On the first business day after the seventeenth day of each month,
Key IC generates a Commission Report for each Agent, issues a check
for the net commission due, and sends it via U.S. Mail. Agents may
view Commission Reports online at www.Key Agents must login
to their account, and go to Main Menu, Agent Tools, My Commissions.
The Commission Report contains the commission
details for each merchant account. Net commissions are based on
gross commissions from all merchant activity, offset by any processing
and collection fees incurred by each ACH/CC Failed status Merchant
invoices. If your total amount due is less than $100, a check will
be issued when your net commissions accumulate to or exceed $100.
Collection Tools for Agents
Collection of ACH/CC Failed status Merchant invoices is the responsibility
of the Agent. As Key IC fees have already been charged to the Agent
on these invoices, the Agent is due all collected funds. To view
failed ACH and/or credit card collection merchant invoices, go to
Main Menu, Agent Tools, Invoices, Failed Invoices.
To collect unpaid ACH/CC Failed Merchant invoices,
Agents may:
- Print an invoice and mail it directly to the
- Update the Merchant ACH/ credit card information
and use the Virtual Terminal to collect the invoice (Agent merchant
account required).
- Reactivate/Close a Merchant account. Note:
Once closed, an account cannot be reactivated. A new account must
be created.

With Key IC, agents have a powerful tool
at their disposal. Here are some of functions in our agent accounts.
As most of these are self explanatory feel free to contact us if
you would like detailed information on any of these features.
Global search
Search transactions
Search sites
Browse merchants
Find merchants
New merchants
Start setup
Continue setup
Acct error log
Find invoices
Browse invoices
Failed invoices
My commissions
Browse cats
Agent reports
Price Plans
FAPP Pricing
Tech support
Submit ticket
My Invoices
Transaction Log
24 hr trans
Browse trans
Find trans
Batch report
Current batch
Event Log
24 hr events
Browse events
Find events
Advanced reporting
Custom reports
Agent reports |